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Article cité :

Death in Children After Atractylis gummifera L. Poisoning in Morocco—Report of Three Cases and Review of Literature

Samir Nya, Hind Abouzahir, Abdellah Dami, Zineb Saif, Adil Najdi, Ahmed Belhouss and Hicham Benyaich
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Inventory of Toxic Plants in Morocco: An Overview of the Botanical, Biogeography, and Phytochemistry Studies

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Research Journal of Phytochemistry 11 (2) 74 (2017)

XXXIII International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) 28–31 May 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark

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Plantes toxiques à usage médicinal du pourtour méditerranéen

Victoria Hammiche, Rachida Merad and Mohamed Azzouz
Collection Phytothérapie pratique, Plantes toxiques à usage médicinal du pourtour méditerranéen 63 (2013)