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Integrating the lifelong exposure dimension of a chemical mixture into the risk assessment process. Application to trace elements

Thomas Gastellu, Bruno Le Bizec and Gilles Rivière
Food and Chemical Toxicology 195 115111 (2025)

Target Organs of Metals Released from Metal-on-Polyethylene Knee and Hip Arthroplasty Implants: Implications for Tissue Metal Profiles 

Marie Bellouard, Geoffroy Lorin de la GrandMaison, Caroline Rambaud, Jean-Luc Marmorat, Lamiae Grimaldi, Lionelle Nkam, Islam-Amine Larabi and Jean-Claude Alvarez
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A Comprehensive Library of Lifetime Physiological Equations for PBK Models: Enhancing Dietary Exposure Modeling with Mercury as a Case Study

Thomas Gastellu, Achilleas Karakoltzidis, Aude Ratier, Marie Bellouard, Jean-Claude Alvarez, Bruno Le Bizec, Gilles Rivière, Spyros Karakitsios, Dimosthenis A. Sarigiannis and Carolina Vogs
Environmental Research 120393 (2024)

Trace elements repartition in body fluids, hair and organs in an autopsied population evaluated by ICP-MS high resolution

Marie Bellouard, Geoffroy Lorin de la GrandMaison, Julien Cappy, et al.
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 95 103978 (2022)

Rapid determination of mercury in dust emission using Cold Vapour Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (CV ICP OES)

Sherif M. El-Safty, Mona A. Khorshed and Mahmoud M. Ghuniem
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 102 (1) 270 (2022)

An Overview of Vaccine Adjuvants: Current Evidence and Future Perspectives

Alessio Facciolà, Giuseppa Visalli, Antonio Laganà and Angela Di Pietro
Vaccines 10 (5) 819 (2022)

About the alleged toxicity of aluminium-based adjuvants in vaccines: All published studies should be taken into account

Jean-Pierre Goullé, Patrick Couvreur and Liliane Grangeot-Keros
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 602 120656 (2021)

Kidney Cadmium Concentrations in an Urban Sri Lankan Population: an Autopsy Study

S. A. Gunawardena, M. Ranasinghe, T. Ranchamali, P. Dileka and J. W. Gunawardana
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Nickel Content in Human Internal Organs

Danuta Dudek-Adamska, Teresa Lech, Tomasz Konopka and Paweł Kościelniak
Biological Trace Element Research 199 (6) 2138 (2021)

Application of TDA AAS to Direct Mercury Determination in Postmortem Material in Forensic Toxicology Examinations

Teresa Lech and Wioletta Turek
Journal of Analytical Toxicology 43 (5) 385 (2019)

Recensement des niveaux d’intoxications mortelles par l’arsenic, le chrome, le mercure, le plomb, le thallium

Jean-Pierre Goullé and Michel Guerbet
Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique 28 (1) 16 (2016)

Detection of Mercury in Human Organs and Hair in a Case of a Homicidal Poisoning of a Woman Autopsied 6 Years After Death

Teresa Lech
American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology 36 (3) 227 (2015)

Optimization and Validation of an ETAAS Method for the Determination of Nickel in Postmortem Material

Danuta Dudek-Adamska, Teresa Lech and Paweł Kościelniak
Journal of Analytical Toxicology 39 (6) 460 (2015)

Metallic Profile of Whole Blood and Plasma in a Series of 99 Healthy Children

Jean-Pierre Goullé, Pascal Le Roux, Mireille Castanet, et al.
Journal of Analytical Toxicology 39 (9) 707 (2015)

ICP OES and CV AAS in determination of mercury in an unusual fatal case of long-term exposure to elemental mercury in a teenager

Teresa Lech
Forensic Science International 237 e1 (2014)

Current Role of ICP–MS in Clinical Toxicology and Forensic Toxicology: A Metallic Profile

Jean-Pierre Goullé, Elodie Saussereau, Loïc Mahieu and Michel Guerbet
Bioanalysis 6 (17) 2245 (2014)

Metallic Profile of Whole Blood and Plasma in a Series of 106 Healthy Volunteers

A. Cesbron, E. Saussereau, L. Mahieu, et al.
Journal of Analytical Toxicology 37 (7) 401 (2013)

Exposition à l’argent : deux cas d’argyrie

Jean-Pierre Goullé, Elodie Saussereau, Loïc Mahieu, et al.
Annales de Toxicologie Analytique 22 (4) 207 (2010)